Showing: 1 - 10 of 13 RESULTS
Cleanish Living

Where to start when finding toxic free brands

Clean beauty is becoming a big thing. So many companies are seeing that consumers want better, safer products. But how do you really know what their bottles say are true? By doing your own research. Or follow me because I do lots of research. Here are a few things to look for when looking at your clean beauty. Are the ingredients of each product disclosed publicly? What is transparency these days? What does transparency look like? Well, to me it looks like not hiding behind trade-marked words like perfume or …

Cleanish Living

Spring Cleaning: Face Tools

We just cleaned out the makeup drawer (read about it here). Now we should make sure the tools we use are good and clean too. I don’t know what kind of tools you have but you probably have some of the same ones I have. Blush brush, eye shadow brush, nail trimmers, tweezers, and eyelash brush. The eye shadow, blush brush, and eye liner brush can be cleaned the same way. Warm water and a little bit of Beautycounter’s cleansing balm. You haven’t heard of the cleansing balm before? It’s …

Cleanish Living

Spring Cleaning: Clean up makeup junk

I would like to be one of the first people to say welcome to the start of nicer weather. Here in Idaho our weather loves to warm up and then let lose with rain and cool off. Which can be so confusing to a body. But with spring showers come all those beautiful flowers. So for now I’m trying to enjoy any sun and warmer air we have. I don’t know about you but the warmer weather always gets me in the mood to clean out stuff. I have so …

3 coffee cups
Cleanish Living Health & Wellness

Busy mom? Try this to ease your life.

Do you worry about having enough toilet paper at home or if there are any paper towels left? I know I do. Its not something I want to think about every time I go to the store. The things that don’t bought every trip but are still important. There were so many times I forgot to get toilet paper. Or we’d be out of pancake mix (which we use all the time). It was frustrating. So I decided to automate some items that we buy on the regular. And let …

Cleanish Living

My top 10 clean products

As we close out this year I thought I’d share my favorite safer products. The products range from laundry to the shower and include the kids and your pets. 10. Plum Organics My boys love eating these all of the time. I love them because they are made with real food. And come from a company that is certified B Corporation! Learn more. 9. Kids Body Wash Not just for the kids. This one is great for giving the dog a bath. Because they deserve safer products too! Shop for …

Cleanish Living

It only comes around once a year…. HOLIDAY

I’ve been with Beautycounter for just over 2 years now. And I have never seen a company do holiday products like them. There is always something new. Along with some favorites. And then there are the favorites that come out in a new scent each year! I love seeing what new safer beauty products are coming each year. This year I wanted to share some of my favorites with you right here! I hope you are as excited about them as I am. First up the Body Butter! Holiday this …

Cleanish Living

Tips for saving MORE energy

There are so many ways you can help all of us here on this planet. Some of those ways may even surprise you. For example, simply turning off the lights in your house when they are not in use. One small act like that can lessen the need for new resources. Yes you can make a difference! Lets look at some reasons why turning off a light can make an impact on our carbon footprint. The Why: Many power plants burn coal, crude oil or other fossil fuels. So, the …

Cleanish Living

No burn, no damage right?!?

Today is the perfect day to have us a little chat about sunscreen. Why? Well, because I’ve got a little bit of red on my cheeks (cause I spent to much time outside and skipped the screen). I want to be very honest with you. I spent YEARS avoiding sunscreen. And I am still not the best at remembering. I avoided it so well one time, that I burnt the tops of my feet. I was probably around 15 or so. My mom had told me a few times to …

Cleanish Living Fitness Photography Uncategorized

Put your requests in now; Let’s get real together.

I want this blog to be a place you want to come to for information that you want. I’ve been racking my mind for a month and a half for a worth while topic for the month of May. I feel like I have failed. Any idea I had just wasn’t good enough. Then I had a thought! Why don’t I just ask my readers what they want to know. So… What do you want me to write about next? Are you interested in sunscreen? Maybe more about my life? …

Cleanish Living

Happy Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year. The first Earth Day was celebrated April 22nd of 1970 with an estimated 20 million people nationwide attending festivities. This grassroots event was spurred by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who said “We only have one earth, so we need to take …