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Health & Wellness

Fun family dates!

Last week was the famous Valentine’s Day. So I wanna know, how do you celebrate? Is it something you like and want to celebrate or would you rather pretend it’s just a normal day? Me I’ve avoided the day like the plague for years. It felt like crap always piled up on our near that day every year. Till one year when my now husband asked me to be his Valentine. Thats when it all changed. We never wanted to do anything very big. Cause restaurants are always overly busy …

3 coffee cups
Cleanish Living Health & Wellness

Busy mom? Try this to ease your life.

Do you worry about having enough toilet paper at home or if there are any paper towels left? I know I do. Its not something I want to think about every time I go to the store. The things that don’t bought every trip but are still important. There were so many times I forgot to get toilet paper. Or we’d be out of pancake mix (which we use all the time). It was frustrating. So I decided to automate some items that we buy on the regular. And let …

Health & Wellness

Kick the knee-jerk reactions

I’m on a mission to create the best of the best when it comes to living. And I believe we all deserve to have that for ourselves. Yes, I know everyone has a different BEST life. But I believe there are some general things we can all shoot for. One of those things is strong emotional wellness. So, what is emotional wellness? Well it isn’t feeling perpetually happy. We all have emotions, good and bad, it’s human to experience them. Just yesterday I was a total mess. Part of a …