I would like to be one of the first people to say welcome to the start of nicer weather. Here in Idaho our weather loves to warm up and then let lose with rain and cool off. Which can be so confusing to a body. But with spring showers come all those beautiful flowers. So for now I’m trying to enjoy any sun and warmer air we have.

I don’t know about you but the warmer weather always gets me in the mood to clean out stuff. I have so many boxes ready to filled up from some spring cleaning. Nothing feels better than clearing out drawers and cluttered spaces.

This spring I’m tackling the bathroom. First up is the makeup drawer. I have so many random products tucked in corners. Plus the stuff I don’t use any more for what ever reason. And the half used, can’t remember where it came from. It’s time to clean the junk out.

The Before

Now for the hard part. Cleaning. I used a little bit of the “does it bring me joy” philosophy when deciding what to remove. You know, like Marie Kondo. I started by pulling everything out of the drawer. Ran the vacumm around the drawer (which I don’t think I’ve done in over 6 years).

Here We Go

I started with any empty or almost empty products I had. Bye bye to the products that haven’t been used in months or years. And last but not least deciding what to do with the remaining products on the counter.

For me this was mostly based on what’s in the product. If I don’t know the ingredients or am unable to find them, out it goes. My only reason for keeping a product that fits the above criteria is that I use it all the time and have yet to find a suitable replacement.

Ok now we have cleaned out the products, let’s turn our attention to any storage containers in the drawer. The one that holds my blush and eye shadow was so gross I had to soak it in the sink. Now it’s white again.

It’s so dirty

If you skimmed through the article. Here’s the super short version. Clear out a drawer. Donate or trash the items you don’t use anymore. Trash any empty bottles. Clean any storage containers you use. Put what’s left back in the draw. Viola you’ve got a spring cleaned drawer.

The After

Ok, how did you do on the clean out? Do you still have a pile of things you’re just not ready to get rid of? That’s ok. Find a home for them in the drawer and be ok with the great job you did. The point is overall the space is cleaned up and we feel a little lighter.

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