There are so many ways you can help all of us here on this planet. Some of those ways may even surprise you. For example, simply turning off the lights in your house when they are not in use. One small act like that can lessen the need for new resources. Yes you can make a difference!

Lets look at some reasons why turning off a light can make an impact on our carbon footprint.

The Why:

Many power plants burn coal, crude oil or other fossil fuels. So, the less energy used the lower your carbon footprint. Plus, it helps conserve the earth’s natural resources. If you’re power plant uses water that is better than coal but putting in dams can change the route the fish take. Our energy consumption not only impacts our climate and natural resources it can harm animals and the ecosystems. There’s mining, logging and material extraction associated with getting fossil fuels that destroys habitats on land and in the water. Oil spills happen and we’ve seen what those can do to the Ocean. The less energy we all use the better we are treating our planet.

The why is pretty compelling right? Maybe now you’re asking yourself if you can really make a difference by only turning a light off? Yes you can but you can make an even bigger difference with just a couple more tips for reducing your energy consumption. Keep reading to learn more.

The How:

Turn off lights that aren’t being used. Even if you’re walking away for a few minutes because we all know sometimes a few minutes ends up being an hour (or even forgetting you left it on).

Plug the TV and all the other things that go with it into one surge protector then unplug that when those items aren’t in use. Say like when you’re at work or out playing for the day. Did you know that when an item is plugged in, electricity is still flowing through it? Try to unplug as many appliances as you can. Think of the money you could save over time.

Replace your light bulbs. Hopefully you no longer have any incandescent bulbs since they are no longer made and are the worst for electricity. When you make the switch, go for LED’s. They last longer and are the most efficient. So, you’ll shop less and save money over the long haul.

That all sounds pretty easy right? If you liked this tip you can sign up for even more. I have a Green Living Guide full of tips and when you sign up you’ll start getting monthly tips right in your inbox. Click on the picture below to sign up.

Do you have any tips for living a greener life? I wanna hear them! Let me know your ideas in the comments bellow.

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