Health & Wellness

Kick the knee-jerk reactions

I’m on a mission to create the best of the best when it comes to living. And I believe we all deserve to have that for ourselves. Yes, I know everyone has a different BEST life. But I believe there are some general things we can all shoot for. One of those things is strong emotional wellness. So, what is emotional wellness? Well it isn’t feeling perpetually happy. We all have emotions, good and bad, it’s human to experience them. Just yesterday I was a total mess. Part of a …

Cleanish Living

No burn, no damage right?!?

Today is the perfect day to have us a little chat about sunscreen. Why? Well, because I’ve got a little bit of red on my cheeks (cause I spent to much time outside and skipped the screen). I want to be very honest with you. I spent YEARS avoiding sunscreen. And I am still not the best at remembering. I avoided it so well one time, that I burnt the tops of my feet. I was probably around 15 or so. My mom had told me a few times to …

Cleanish Living Fitness Photography Uncategorized

Put your requests in now; Let’s get real together.

I want this blog to be a place you want to come to for information that you want. I’ve been racking my mind for a month and a half for a worth while topic for the month of May. I feel like I have failed. Any idea I had just wasn’t good enough. Then I had a thought! Why don’t I just ask my readers what they want to know. So… What do you want me to write about next? Are you interested in sunscreen? Maybe more about my life? …

Cleanish Living

Happy Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year. The first Earth Day was celebrated April 22nd of 1970 with an estimated 20 million people nationwide attending festivities. This grassroots event was spurred by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who said “We only have one earth, so we need to take …


Planks for 2 weeks, what am I crazy?!?!

Maybe I am! Now that I’ve done almost 2 weeks of this challenge it should be getting easier. Right? It doesn’t feel like its getting easier. Though I do not hurt as much as I did the first few days. I guess thats the beauty of doing some kind of challenge. It gets harder each day. The days I find the most challenging are the ones I have to do all the plank styles. Like on day 10. Plank, rocking plank, hip dips, & up-downs; oh boy! I’m still not …


Week one done!

Oh boy! That first week of the challenge was hard on me. I didn’t really realize how out of shape my shoulder muscles were. Planks are not that bad but then add in a pushup. Ugh! But thats why I’m here right? Yep. First whole week down. I’m glad to be getting a rest day. How are you coming along with the challenge? I got my husband to join in, which is great cause now I have someone else reminding me and keeping me movitated. If you haven’t started its …


30 Day Plank & Push-up Challenge

I am a mother to twins. And because of that my body went through a lot to grow them and then expel them from my body. And now this body of mine has changed so much that I don’t really know what to do with it. Some things got better (hello bigger boobs) and some things got worse (I still look pregnant L). And for a long time, I have wanted to do something but the thought of trying to fit in even more things in my day has felt …

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Cleanish Living

One text can help change an industry

What is safer beauty? Well to me it’s taking the time to look at what is in my products and knowing if those ingredients could cause my family any long term harm. It’s also understanding what the government can and can’t do when a product is found to be harmful to the public. Which by the way is very little. There hasn’t been an updated law regarding our personal care products since 1938. And the FDA doesn’t have to approve any products before they hit the shelves. Neither can they …

Cleanish Living Uncategorized

Makeup for a Fun Night Out!

Today I want to show you how I do my makeup. I talk about Beautycounter’s Flawless in Five. Which is a great way to have all of the tools for a simple, beautiful face. Plus its EASY! Come along with me while I do my makeup for a fun night out! Watch me right here! Flawless in Five. Items you get with the set are a foundation, concealer, brow pencil or the NEW gel, mascara, blush, and a lip gloss. And you get to pick the colors for each item. All this is …

Cleanish Living Uncategorized

There is a best way to apply your skincare products

You’ve taken the time to find some amazing products. You’ve got a great line-up of amazing items that you know will make your skin beautiful. BUT where do you start? There’s toners, serums, and oils. What goes on in the morning; what should you use at night; which goes first the face lotion or the eye cream. Oh its so overwhelming! I felt the same way. But there’s no need to worry, I’ve got your back! I’ve even included a cheat sheet to help you keep track of the order …